Home Featured News Haunted tales of the Woodruff-Fontaine House

Haunted tales of the Woodruff-Fontaine House

by The 100 Companies

Although recognized as a popular wedding venue, the Woodruff-Fontaine House is actually one of Memphis’ most haunted buildings.

Legend surrounds that of Mollie Woodruff, the daughter of original homeowner Amos Woodruff, who experienced repeated tragedies there. A few years after being wed at the home, she gave birth to a baby that died the same day – followed by her husband, who passed away just three months later.

They say Mollie’s ghost is often seen sitting on her bed, and then abruptly disappears – leaving an imprint of her shape on the comforter, and the scent of her perfume in the air.

– Margaret Willard, The 100 Companies

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