Home The 100 Guy What made the blue columnist finally see red?

What made the blue columnist finally see red?

by The 100 Companies
What made the blue columnist finally see red

Two years ago, I spotted Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne exiting our plane at DCA. “I never stop celebrities,” I told him, “but in my world of journalism, you’re a rock star!”

Blushing, he tried turning the conversation back to us. We weren’t budging. Joyfully regaling us about that day’s news, he left us with a story.

“You know, I’m a New England Patriots fan, so when Tom Brady got ensnared in Deflategate, I finally understood Fox News,” the legendary liberal mused. “I really didn’t care what the facts were – I just knew how I wanted it to end.”

Chris Schroder, The 100 Companies

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