Home LifestyleLiving Social Justice, Community Leadership on Agenda for Brown Baptist Pastors’ Luncheon

Social Justice, Community Leadership on Agenda for Brown Baptist Pastors’ Luncheon

A group of people during a luncheon.

Brown Baptist will host a free luncheon to equip pastors, preachers, seminary students and church leaders with a stronger understanding of racial reconciliation, social justice and community leadership. Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship President Bishop Joseph Walker, III will deliver the keynote address.

“With all the issues facing our community, it’s important for all pastors, no matter the church size, to have access to resources to help the community,” says Bartholomew Orr, Senior Pastor at Brown Missionary Baptist Church.

The August 29 luncheon is open to pastors, ministers and other clergy. Interested parties can find additional details at brownbaptist.org.

David Brown, KQ Communications

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