Home LifestyleHolidays Trunk or Treat Puts a Twist on Halloween Fun

Trunk or Treat Puts a Twist on Halloween Fun

Mississippi Boulevard church will host a Trunk or Treat event.

Considering not taking your kids door to door for trick-or-treating on Halloween this year? There are other options for you.

Mississippi Boulevard will host its annual Trunk or Treat for local families at the Southwind Campus, located at 8220 E. Shelby Dr., on Halloween evening, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Car trunks will be filled with candy and treats for every child. Additionally, there will be food, game trucks, bounce houses and much more.

Last year, more than a thousand children were served, while celebrating in a safe, family friendly atmosphere. Click here for more details.

Alisha Tillery, KQ Communications

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