Home LifestyleHolidays Muddy’s Bake Shop: Valentine’s Day Treats for Lovers and Haters

Muddy’s Bake Shop: Valentine’s Day Treats for Lovers and Haters

by Michael Polzella

Valentine’s Day is coming, and Muddy’s Bake Shop serves lovers and haters alike (I’m a hater.)

For lovers, go with True Love, a strawberry cupcake swirled with raspberry buttercream, or try the Iced Cherry Heart, a heart-shaped butter cookie with cherry cream cheese icing. Haters can grab Bitter With Baggage, a chocolate cupcake with coffee icing. Buy a voodoo doll cookie then name it and bite it, if that’s your thing. I recommend drowning your sorrows in Drinking Alone, a chocolate bundt with bourbon-caramel icing.

Choose your side and enjoy. Or play both sides and eat it all!

Amelia Ables, KQ Communications

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