Home LifestyleEvents Feed the Children donates 1 millionth H.E.L.P. backpack

Feed the Children donates 1 millionth H.E.L.P. backpack


Feed the Children distributed its 1 millionth H.E.L.P. (Homeless Education and Literacy Program) backpack with community partner support. H.E.L.P. promotes school attendance and completion across the nation.

Samuel, the recipient of the 1 millionth backpack, attended an event with his mother to receive food and essentials not knowing he’d be the 1 millionth nationwide recipient.

“We want to make it easy for kids to stay in school,” Feed the Children Director of Education Partnerships Erin Carlstrom said. “For some homeless or at-risk children, these backpacks are the first thing they’re given that’s theirs.”

Feed The Children

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